AWS Next.js CRUD app (front-end)

Friday, September 27, 2024

In the prior blog, we created our AWS Lambda functions, and other ancillary resources like the DynamoDB table, using Terraform. Additionally, we tested out the functionality of our four Lambda functions (corresponding to the four RESTful actions) using Postman, and verified they perform as per expectations. Now we can start building out our front-end with Next.js. Before doing so, we need to take some time and understand what Next.js is and why it's become so popular over the last couple of years.

Next.js is a front-end framework built on the already incredibly ubuquitous React.js, so what is a front-end framework and what does it mean for Next.js to be "built on" React.js?

Front-End Frameworks Overview

Front-end frameworks provide a structured way to build user interfaces (UI) by organizing code and improving development efficiency. In the past, developers had to write complex UI logic using plain or vanilla JavaScript, which was tedious and error-prone. Today, frameworks like React and Next.js offer pre-made code, reusable components, and advanced tools, making it much easier to create dynamic, interactive web applications without reinventing the wheel. These frameworks handle common tasks like state management, DOM manipulation, and routing, allowing developers to focus on building seamless user experiences.


React.js is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook, designed for building interactive UIs. At its core, React allows developers to build UIs with reusable components that update efficiently when data changes. It uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which means React tracks changes in the UI efficiently, updating only the parts of the page that need to change, making it faster than traditional approaches.

React focuses solely on the view layer (UI), making it flexible to use with other libraries and frameworks for handling different aspects of a web application (like routing, state management, etc.). Developers choose React for its component-based architecture, where every part of the UI is a self-contained unit, making large applications easier to build and maintain.


Next.js is a front-end framework built on top of React.js that simplifies building full-stack React applications. It extends React's capabilities by adding essential features like Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), and API routes, all out of the box. Next.js provides everything you need to develop a web application, from routing and data fetching to deployment optimizations.

In Next.js, with the App Router, routing is done through a file-based structure in the "app" directory. This is a new, more powerful approach compared to the traditional Pages Router. The App Router provides enhanced support for layouts, nested routes, and built-in features like server components and server-side actions. This allows for more flexible, scalable architectures. The App Router enables you to mix static and dynamic rendering seamlessly, empowering developers to build modern web applications with less effort.


Server-Side Rendering (SSR) refers to the process where the server generates the HTML for a web page on each request. This allows the content to be fully loaded when the page is delivered to the user's browser, improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and initial load times. In Next.js, SSR is particularly useful for pages that need up-to-date content or data fetched from an external API at the time of request.

Static Site Generation (SSG), on the other hand, generates the HTML for a web page at build time. This means the content is pre-rendered into static files, which are then served to the user. Since these files don't need to be generated on each request, SSG is incredibly fast and efficient. It is ideal for pages where the content doesn't change often, such as blogs or marketing pages. Both SSR and SSG can be used in the same Next.js application, allowing developers to choose the most appropriate rendering strategy for each page.

"Built on?"

Next.js is built on top of React.js, so you get all the benefits of React (like its component model and virtual DOM) with additional powerful features specific to Next.js. React provides the foundation for building UIs with components, while Next.js adds features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), which allow pages to be pre-rendered for better performance and SEO. With the new App Router, Next.js takes this further by allowing layouts and components to be shared across pages while using both client and server components.

Both React and Next.js use the same component structure and state management, making it easy for developers already familiar with React to transition into Next.js. The App Router is designed to enhance React's component model by providing an easy way to manage pages, layouts, and data fetching strategies. This makes Next.js not just a front-end framework, but a full-stack one that simplifies both the development and deployment processes for modern applications.

Why Next.js?

Next.js stands out because of its built-in features that simplify many common challenges of modern web development. One of its most prominent features is the ability to switch between server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), both of which provide performance boosts and improve SEO by allowing content to be pre-rendered. With the App Router, Next.js introduces server components that allow you to mix client and server-side rendering seamlessly within the same component tree.

The App Router also simplifies routing with a file-based structure, eliminating the need for a dedicated routing library. It provides nested layouts, allowing you to share layout components across different routes, which simplifies development. Moreover, Next.js has full-stack capabilities, including API routes and server-side actions, allowing you to handle both front-end and back-end logic in the same project. Combined with features like automatic code splitting, image optimization, and built-in support for fast deployments on platforms like Vercel, Next.js is an all-in-one solution for building modern web applications.

By combining the strengths of React.js with advanced features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and full-stack capabilities, Next.js empowers developers to build fast, scalable, and SEO-friendly applications. Its streamlined development experience, coupled with its focus on performance, makes it a popular choice for modern web development.

Now that we understand what Next.js is (if not it'll make more sense as we build things out), let's get started building out our front-end. For reference, the finished project is available on my Github here, so if at any point, you struggle to follow along, please review the code for additional guidance. We'll start with the app page (src/app/page.js), and this serves as the entry point to your app. Here, we will render three separate components, one for listing out our messages (left), one for adding new messages (top right), and one to update an existing message (bottom right). Each of these components are defined inside src/components/page.js, and this is what makes working with Next.js (and React.js) so great, the fact that you can really modularize your code.


import ListMessages from "@/components/ListMessages";
import NewMessage from "@/components/NewMessage";
import UpdateMessage from "@/components/UpdateMessage";
import { Suspense } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const buildTime =
    process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BUILD_TIME || "build time placeholder";
  const image =
    process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IMAGE || "image path and tag placeholder";

  return (
        Docker image build time: <span className="italic">{buildTime}</span>
        ECR image path: <span className="italic">{image}</span>
      <div className="my-6 flex items-center justify-center">
        <div className="container mx-auto grid grid-cols-2 gap-8">
          <div className="bg-gray-200 p-6 text-center">
            <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading messages...</p>}>
          <div className="space-y-4 bg-gray-200 p-6 text-center">

The CSS classes you see above are part of the Tailwind library, and when you create a new Next.js app using npx create-next-app@latest, it comes baked-in. It's a terrific CSS framework, and I urge you to use it in your other projects. You'll also notice that I'm using Suspense, it's a neat React feature that works by wrapping a component that performs an asynchronous action (e.g. fetch data), showing fallback UI (e.g. skeleton, spinner) while it's happening, and then swapping in your component once the action completes. Since the "ListMessages" component is set up to make an API call to one of our Lambda functions to fetch all messages in the DynamoDB table, Suspense is useful to display something else (e.g., in our case, "Loading messages") while we wait on that API call to complete. Speaking of the "ListMessages" component, let's take a closer look at that.


import getMessages from "@/services/getMessages";
import deleteMessage from "@/services/deleteMessage";

export default async function ListMessages() {
  const { data: messages } = await getMessages();
  // ^ getMessages() returns the following, so destructuring out "data" and renaming the array to "messages"
  // {
  //   "message": "Scan successful",
  //   "data": [
  //     {
  //       "PK": {
  //         "S": "3nh4zv269p"
  //       },
  //       "Message": {
  //         "S": "Anjuna Seaglass"
  //       },
  //       "DateTime": {
  //         "S": "2024-09-26T22:36:06.154Z"
  //       }
  //     }
  //   ]
  // }

    "front-end/src/components/ListMessages.js - # of messages - ",

  // Sort by DateTime in descending order (most recent first)
  const sortedMessages = messages.sort((a, b) => {
    const dateA = new Date(a.DateTime.S);
    const dateB = new Date(b.DateTime.S);
    return dateB - dateA; // Sort in descending order

  function formatToHumanReadable(isoString) {
    const date = new Date(isoString);
    const options = {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "long", // Full month name (e.g., September)
      day: "numeric",
      hour: "numeric",
      minute: "numeric",
      second: "numeric",
      timeZoneName: "short", // Includes time zone (e.g., GMT)
    // Format the date using Intl.DateTimeFormat
    return new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", options).format(date);

  return (
      {, index) => (
          className="my-2 flex flex-row rounded-md border-2 border-solid border-green-500 p-2"
          <div className="basis-5/6">
            <p className="font-bold">{message.Message.S}</p>
              ID: <span className="italic">{message.PK.S}</span>
          <div className="flex basis-1/6 justify-end pr-2">
              <input type="hidden" name="messageId" value={message.PK.S} />
              {/* To pass the messageId to your server action (deleteMessage) using a form, you can add a hidden input field inside the form.
              This hidden input will store the messageId value, which can then be accessed via formData.get('messageId') on the server side when the form is submitted. */}
                className="my-2 rounded-md bg-red-600 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white hover:bg-red-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-red-500 focus:ring-offset-2"

Starting from the top, the two import statements are making available the two Next.js server actions (i.e., a special type of function) that will be executing API calls to our Lambda functions, one will be to the Lambda function that will provide all messages in the DynamoDB table, while the other will be to the Lambda function that deletes specific messages from the table. Server actions are asynchronous functions that are executed on the server. They can be called in both server and client components to handle form submissions and data mutations. We will go into these server actions in the subsequent section, but these server actions will need to be accessible in this component. We could have defined the functions in the component itself, but it's cleaner to separate them out into separate files under the services directory.

Next, inside the component function itself, we call one of the above-mentioned services, "getMessages", and it will make the API call to AWS and return an object in a specific format. So to sift through the object returned, we can use ES6 destructuring to "destructure" out the data array from the object (and rename the array to "messages"), since that's all we care about when it comes to listing out the messages. While this gets us the messages that we can then list out, we want to make sure they are ordered chronologically by time of submission, so the "sortedMessages" function takes care of that. And the "formatToHumanReadable" function converts the date-time of submission from an isoString to a more human-readable format like "September 26, 2024 at 8:32:49 PM EDT". Storing date-time as ISO strings provides a standardized format that is universally recognized across systems, ensuring consistency and ease of use. Additionally, ISO strings handle time zones effectively and allow for easy sorting and comparison due to their lexicographical order.

Now let's focus on the remaining part, everything inside the return statement. But prior to that, let's understand what JSX is, because that is what renders HTML code but inside of a JavaScript function, JSX is what is encapsulated inside the return statement. JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, commonly used in libraries like React and frameworks like Next.js to define UI components. It simplifies the process of building interactive UIs by combining the declarative nature of HTML with the dynamic capabilities of JavaScript, which Next.js compiles and optimizes for server-side and client-side rendering.

This code snippet renders a list of messages using the sortedMessages array, where each message is displayed inside a styled div container. The content includes the message text, its unique ID, and a human-readable formatted timestamp. Each message also includes a form with a “Delete” button. When the form is submitted, it calls a Next.js server action (deleteMessage) to delete the respective message from the backend, utilizing Next.js's built-in mechanism for server actions via form submissions.

The "NewMessage" and "UpdateMessage" components, also being rendered in the app page (src/app/page.js), work in a similar fashion, albeit without the fetching of messages. These components are a little simpler, in the sense that they each just have a form that calls server actions "postMessage" and "putMessage" with formData as arguments. When updating messages the data passed in will be the unique ID of the existing message and the updated message, and when creating a new message, the passed in will just be the message itself.


import putMessage from "@/services/putMessage";

export default function NewMessage() {
  return (
      className="mx-auto mt-2 max-w-lg rounded-lg bg-green-100 p-4 shadow-md"
      <div className="mb-4">
        <label htmlFor="message" className="block font-bold text-gray-700">
          Update a message
        <div className="mt-4">
            className="mb-2 block w-full rounded-md border border-gray-300 px-3 py-2 shadow-sm focus:border-green-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-green-500"
            placeholder="Type the existing message's id..."
            className="block w-full rounded-md border border-gray-300 px-3 py-2 shadow-sm focus:border-green-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-green-500"
            placeholder="Type your updated message..."
      <div className="flex justify-end">
          className="my-2 rounded-md bg-green-600 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white hover:bg-green-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-green-500 focus:ring-offset-2"
          Update in AWS DynamoDB table

Having understood what the components are doing, let's understand the code in our server actions, and these are all defined in the services directory. We'll start with "getMessages" and then proceed to "putMessage".


export default async function getMessages() {
  "use server";


  const requestOptions = {
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",

  const lambdaGetFunctionURL =

  let data;

  try {
    const response = await fetch(
      { next: { tags: ["messages"] } },
      // { tags: ["messages"] },
      // ^ also works, but not in docs above
      { cache: "no-store" },
      // ^ for NO caching
      // you can see differences between cached and non-cached API calls by configuring special logging in "next.config.mjs", comment out ^ and it'll log 'cache-hit'
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
    data = await response.json();
    // console.log(
    //   "front-end/src/services/getMessage.js - API call successful",
    //   JSON.stringify(data, null, 2),
    // );
  } catch (error) {
      "front-end/src/services/getMessage.js - API call failed",

  return data;

The getMessages function is a server action in Next.js, indicated by the "use server" directive, which ensures that the function runs exclusively on the server side, keeping sensitive operations secure and out of the client's reach. This function fetches data from our Lambda function and includes custom options for caching. The { cache: "no-store" } setting disables Next.js default caching, meaning that each time the function is called, it makes a fresh request to the API, bypassing any previously cached data. This is crucial for use cases where real-time or frequently updated data is needed, ensuring the data fetched is always current. Additionally, the function uses tag-based revalidation with the { next: { tags: ["messages"] } } option.

By associating the fetch request with the "messages" tag, Next.js enables fine-grained control over cache invalidation. If data related to messages is updated elsewhere in the application (such as a message being added or deleted), the cache associated with the "messages" tag can be revalidated, ensuring that future requests pull in updated data rather than stale information. This tagging will ensure that any updates to messages (including addition and deletion of new messages, since this logic is in the "postMessage" and "deleteMessage" server actions as well) triggers the "getMessages" server action to update the list of messages in our "ListMessages" component. This combination of server-side execution, cache control, and tag-based revalidation allows for secure, efficient data fetching while maintaining up-to-date content and improving performance in areas where data might not need to be fetched on every request.


import { revalidateTag } from "next/cache";

export default async function putMessage(formData) {
  "use server";

  console.log("front-end/src/services/putMessage.js - formData", formData);

  const payload = {
    newMessage: formData.get("message"),
    messageId: formData.get("id"),

  const requestOptions = {
    method: "PUT",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),

  const lambdaPutFunctionURL =

  let data;

  try {
    const response = await fetch(lambdaPutFunctionURL, requestOptions);
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
    data = await response.json();
      "front-end/src/services/putMessage.js - API call successful",
    // ^ using tags to revalidate the cache (i.e., getting the ListMessages component to make a new API call to get messages) is explained around 11:00
  } catch (error) {
      "front-end/src/services/putMessage.js - API call failed",

  return data;

The putMessage function is also a server action, since we have the "use server" directive to ensure it runs on the server. It receivesformData from the "UpdateMessage" component and extracts the message and ID fields using formData.get("message") and formData.get("id"). These values are then packaged into a payload with "newMessage" and "messageId" keys, which is sent to our Lambda function via a PUT request. This request updates the message in DynamoDB based on the provided message ID. Once the API call is successful, the function calls revalidateTag("messages"), and this causes any cache tagged with "messages" to be invalidated. As a result, the "getMessages" server action is called, and it will bypass the cache and fetch fresh data from DynamoDB (which, at this point, has our updated message). This ensures that the updated message data is immediately available to any components relying on the messages list, such as a ListMessages component, without requiring manual page refreshes. This approach keeps the data current and the user experience seamless by automatically reloading the most up-to-date information.

All four server actions must include the Lambda function URLs from your Terraform run. Refer to the prior blog for more information on this—the Terraform codebase is set up to output the Lambda function URLs with corresponding functionality, so you know which is which. If you decide to clone this repo, then you must replace my Lambda function URLs with yours.

While I didn't cover some of the other components and server actions, the ones we did cover in this guide, should set you up to incorporate the app. If you review the code, there are parallels between all the other components and server actions, so try to identify patterns as you piece things together. And if you have questions, please reach out to me on LinkedIn.

gc-res screenshot

This is how your app should look once you've created the Lambda functions, hooked them up to the server actions, and tried to run this app (FYI, npm run dev will expose the app onlocalhost:3001, I changed the default package.json scripts)